Dresher Painting Company

Interior Painting

Paint Transforms Your Home

Dresher Painting Company by JDS Painting. Do you want to put your personal touch on your home, or you need to update the colors to be more current? JDS Painting is there for all your home painting needs. From one room to whole house painting, every painting project receives the same quality and dedication from our painting team. 

Our team of painters are educated, trained and held accountable for their punctuality, performance and interaction with the homeowner.  JDS Painters are parents & pet owners just like you, we will share our professional expertise with eco-friendly options or specific requests you may have. When our team of painters are at your home, we expect you to feel comfortable and confident with the work being performed and the workers performing the work. 

Interior Residential Painting Services

Our interior painting services include painting and  staining of floors, walls, moldings, custom millwork, ceilings, doors, and garages. 

Exterior Residential Painting Services

Our exterior painting services include painting and  staining of the outside of your home, shutters, garages, sheds, decks, fences and even playhouses. 

One Year Residential Guarantee

JDS Painting stands behind its services and quality by providing all homeowners a one year guarantee and begins on the completion date of the project.

Walls, Ceilings

Doors, Frames


Molding & Trim

Epoxy Floor Coating

Staining & Painting

Kitchen Cabinets

Laundry Cabinets

Garage Cabinets

Closet Cabinets

Wallcovering Removal

Wallcovering Installation

Drywall Patching

Skim Coating

Siding, Shutters

Doors, Entryways


Handrails, Soffit

Power washing

Free Color Consultation

JDS Painting will make the process easy for you every step of the way. When selecting us to complete your painting, we send a professional color consultant to your home, providing that interrupted, one-to-one experience that you deserve. No more hassles or worry selecting the wrong color for your home.  JDS Painting wants the best experience for you.

Start your painting project with JDS Painting for exceptional service and quality workmanship.

Call today for a FREE estimate!
